Saturday, August 19, 2006

What Am I Thinking?

Here it is 11am and I'm at work, trying everything I can to stay awake. Yesterday was suppose to be the day I got things around the house done, especially since the park manager had me directly in her crosshairs. I got one of her famously illegal 5 Day notices because I hadn't scrubbed the outside of my trailer. Did you know that stuff grows on the outside of trailers? It's true and gross. Knowing what a pain in the ass it would be I just did what I normally do when something seems like too much of a pain to deal with, I avoided it. Then I got the notice, along with another notice stating that the flowers and assorted green things I had growing around my house were not infact flowers or plants but weeds. They're pretty weeds if you ask me. Why are they considered weeds and there for eviction worthy when someone else can grow roses or what not? I mean what if I prefer the little purple flowers my weeds provide? Who's to say what is beautiful and what isn't? I thought it was all in the eye of the beholder... Apparently I am not doing my bit to make this a "Mobile Home Community".

I'm just way to tired to even write this all out so I'll leave you with this little teaser and I'll finish it up tomorrow, after I've had some sleep...

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

super walmart has power washers on sale for just over $100.

instructions included.