Sunday, July 30, 2006

This is a Mobile Home Community

A while back the manager of my trailer park sent out a notice about all the trash, old tires, various objects of white trash lawn decorations that where scattered through out the park, sometimes proudly displayed in peoples little, bitsy patch of grass they call our front yard. Other times just left in weird little junkyard type piles behind peoples trailers. In this notice she sent out, she stated that this is NOT a trailer park but a mobile home community. Ok, call me silly but I could call a dwarf a vertically challenged person, or I could call a 500 pound guy gravitationally challenged, but the fact remains, they are still a dwarf and a fat ass, respectively.

Looking around this place, with it's proudly flying rebel flags, NASCAR decals on almost every car (running or mechanically challenged), the empty cases of PBR and Miller High Life surrounding the garbage cans on trash day, the old toilets made into flower pots proudly displayed in yards and the mass' of children running around unattended, it sure feels, looks and smells like a trailer park. You can call it what you want but at the end of the day, this isn't some nice, expensive, gated community. No, this is a trailer park filled with Culturally Disadvantaged Caucasians.

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