Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Stand for Something

I was going to write this long ass rant about how we need to find alternatives to oil that don't cause carbons to continue to pollute the Earth furthering the global warming epidemic. I was but then I realized that far more talented and knowledgable people than I am have tackled the topic, seriously, google it, there's a lot of info out there. Then I was like, ok I'll get on my high horse about why people need to vote, even in Midterm elections, especially these current midterm elections. But I realized that again far more knowledgable people have blogged that to death as well. It's just, I'm more than relationship issues and work. My blog has become this huge dumping ground for all my girl issues and I'm not sure that makes for interesting reading. I have a wide variety of interests, like Roman History, I am so in love with Roman History, like not just the major stuff but the little every day to day things that your typical Roman went through. If there was ever a time in history to live it would have been during the hayday of the Romans. If you were a citizen there was no better place to be. They had huge parties that turned inot orgies, homosexuality was just a given, bathing was encouraged and just about every base whim, want or desire was catered to and encouraged.

I was thinking about how incredibly stupid it is that I can't marry a woman if I wanted to, why not? Why when the debate comes up someone always has to bring up marrying animals?? How is that a logical jump? Well if we let Betty and Wilma get married we're gonna have to let Fred and Dino the Dinodog get married?? HUH??? How fucked up must a mind be to equate marrying someone of the same species and gender with marrying outside of the species? Thats like 3 year old logic, actually,I know 3 year olds that more logical than that.

There's just too many issues these days and I feel like I should be doing more to make the world a better place, or at least livable still long after I'm gone.


Adrienne said...

I was going to post some cute dont worry we'll get married comment, but seriously..people compared it to marrying out of species?? thats.. Degrading.

Anonymous said...

And you know I'll do the ceremony. :)

Anonymous said...

Reparations for a government marijuana erradication program gone awry a.wav
Reparations for a government marijuana erradication program gone awry b.wav

Schwartzenegger insists the victims of the 2007 Southern California firestorm temporarily residing at Jack Murphy Stadium are happy.
First he calls Tonight Show host Jay Leno an "idiot". Then he drops this bomb.
If it were Gray Davis the gods would have their media attack him mercilessly for these mistakes. Together they may be enough to cost any other politician his career. But not Arnold Schwartzenegger.
They say he makes comments like these all the time, clues which are all buried. And it's because they have BIG plans for him::::He is a tool who will be used to accomplish historical evil for the gods.

They say there is a strange sense of "unease" at the State Capital, like he doesn't belong there. And he doesn't. He is not American. Sadly this is an issue that is too readily discounted:::::
He is not from the United States. His loyalties lie with a country that was the enemy of the United States a mere 65 years ago.
Just as we witnessed with Clinton in 1992 expect blacks to register and vote en masse for Schwartzenegger as well, a clue and a red flag.

Just as we haven't seen any more of that "Everybody is happy." idiocy from the Preditor so do we no longer hear anything of the possibility a firefighter started one if not more of these SoCal fires, buried forever.
Weight training (promoted in every prison system in the country), promotion of pharmeceuticals (steroids), desensitizing "guy flicks" all prove the name "Preditor" is warranted.
Less than 24 hours passed after a traffic accident on I-5 before Schwartzenegger declared a state of emergency, but it took over 2 full days before he did the same for the San Francisco Bay envionmental disaster incident. The gods are offering a clue.

The gods love reverse positioning, and this Austrian genocide issue is an OUTSTANDING example:::
There is symbolism between the two:::Hitler was an Austian-born leader of a foreign nation.
It appears as if Hitler is a monster. When Schwartzenegger does his thing he will appear as a hero, an enforcer of decency. Quite the opposite is true, ironically.
Monsters like Al Capone, violent gangsters from the 20s and 30s thought they were going up. Instead they were routed into the Nazi death camps::::This Austrian genocide event disposed of these monsters.
Schwartzenegger's genocide event will dispose of society's VICTIMS, people who are the way they are (abusive, abrasive, violent, criminal) BECAUSE of their disfavor.
People will say the Italians were pushed into it too, but I'd like to remind you black evidence is contradictory (crack, AIDS, etc). Italian evidence REINFORCES corruption (1906, ). Based on these clues it is safe to say the Italians are more disfavored than Africans.
Ironically, Hiter is the enforcer of decency. Schwartzenegger is the monster. But the movies already prove Schwartzenegger is a promoter of indencency, so when his genocide event happens there will be no secrets.

This exposure from me can change their script. Or, more appropriately said, alter the Manifest Destiny's senarios to fall in line with the god's script.
That means Schwartzenegger was never going to be used. But I think the evidence we have suggests he in fact IS the one foreshadowed with the Hitler figure, his genocide event foreshadowed with the Holocaust.
And, ironically, blacks will show up at the polls to vote for their own deaths.

There is one geographic clue I have not addressed in years:::Uranus, a planet tilted 90 degrees on its axis. I have stated in years past that I think this is a clue offered by the gods suggesting the fate of planet Earth, that tectonic plate subduction would be the method of disposal:::Earth’s axis will shift breaking continental plates free and initiating mass subduction.
Undesirables will either perish in the government marijuana erradication program "gone awry" or be the recipients of reparations granted by the US government because of it.
I believe the New Testiment battle of the Anti-Christ and the Second Coming of Christ will ocurr in subsequent years SPECIFICALLY because these people will be distracted with the money during the event.
When the Earth's axis shifts people will be cast into outer space with gold cards in hand.
I think this was foreshadowed on an episode of the Simpsons where Homer and Bart are on the disfavored ship and eject, only to experience a sense of euphoria, expand then explode in the vacuum of space.

Vienna was the center of the music world for a reason.
Any middle age person today remembers the excitement surrounding classical music in the mid-20th century.
Classical music was "in play". Expect the same "magic" was employed back then as well.
Motzart's ugly for a reason. Similarly, Schwartzenegger's appearance is suspect as well.